Name | Players | Placement |
Mindfreak | 3rd | |
Gaming Gamers | 4th | |
Ground Zero Gaming | 5th-6th | |
Vort Central | 5th-6th | |
FURY | 7th-8th | |
LG Dire Wolves | 7th-8th | |
Canberra Havoc | 9th-12th | |
No Dramas | 9th-12th | |
R!OT Gaming | 9th-12th | |
Sneakybois | 9th-12th | |
Hazard Esports | 13th-15th | |
Team Ferox | 13th-15th | |
6Mans Battalion | 13th-15th | |
The Wumbologists | 16th | |
L.C.T. | 17th-24th | |
Obunga | 17th-24th | |
Trash | 17th-24th | |
Fall Girls | 17th-24th | |
Forbidden Gaming | 17th-24th | |
No clue | 17th-24th | |
Relentless | 17th-24th | |
The Peeps | 17th-24th | |
Team HSP | 25th-32nd | |
Carrying a Rank X | 25th-32nd | |
AnnoDomini | 25th-32nd | |
Best Girl | 25th-32nd | |
Lele's | 25th-32nd | |
Southern Stars | 25th-32nd | |
Blaabl | 25th-32nd | |
Gawk Gawk | 25th-32nd |