Name | Players | Placement |
Renegades | 3rd-4th | |
LG Dire Wolves | 3rd-4th | |
Mindfreak | 5th-8th | |
Vort Central | 5th-8th | |
Calciyum | 5th-8th | |
Hazard Esports | 5th-8th | |
The Laxatives | 9th-11th | |
Bad Beat | 9th-11th | |
Good and Useful | 9th-11th | |
Canberra Havoc | 12th-14th | |
Overt | 12th-14th | |
Southern Stars | 12th-14th | |
Ascent | 15th-16th | |
Cowabunga | 15th-16th | |
EMF 5 | 17th-20th | |
R!OT Gaming | 17th-20th | |
We've read Ninja's book | 17th-20th | |
Wazooo | 17th-20th | |
UON Boomers | 21st-24th | |
Spectral Gaming | 21st-24th | |
Raging Racoons | 21st-24th | |
Eastern Stars | 21st-24th | |
Doggles Esports | 25th-28th | |
Pelicans | 25th-28th | |
Tutti Frutti | 25th-28th | |
PlagueNationGG | 25th-28th | |
SSS | 29th-32nd | |
Potatoes and Gravy | 29th-32nd | |
Squilliam | 29th-32nd | |
Controls | 29th-32nd |